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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Is guest blogging another source of income?

Year-on-year Guest blogging

has become  one of the most profitable forms to make money online.I know,at first you might be hesitated as to how guest blogging can help you make money online and I hope to have distilled your quarries by the time you finish reading this article.             

From my blogging career point  of view, writing my first guest post was the most crucial triumph I have made in my blogging career; it opened my eyes to a whole new era of opportunities and the month of writing this (February, 2011) I’m on a challenge write at least 100 guest posts for other blogs in my field.
another source of earning guest blogging
remuneration of guest blogging

If you visit your favorite blogging tips blogs today you will come to know an article talking about guest blogging, but you will seldomly come across any article teaching you how to make money by guest blogging. After all, how many people will really want to share their source of income?
To be completely frank with you, guest blogging isn’t only an perfect technique for making visitor and subscribers for your blog, it can also be smartly leveraged to help you make money online.Meanwhile, guest blogging alone led to me making exactly $1000 in 2011, and that’s just the numbers I could count. What of the resulting traffic from my guest posts directing to affiliate sales? What of the visitor that will end up brought more income for years to come?

The great  news, and why I’m even delighted to write this article, is that I’m not doing this alone.Alamin Chowdhury  from who was the  editor of Spam Guest bloging While I’m not as proficient as Alamin Chowdhury and while I don’t actually make as much as he does from guest blogging I was able to make an average of  $600 every month last year just as a result of guest blogging.

How to Really Make Money from Guest Blogging

You might be astornished regarding to why I’m giving this tips for free but I sincerely want to help as many people as possible build a career online in writing and I believe I’ve made enough money from guest blogging that I don’t care about sharing my tips. With that in mind I’d like you to know that the fact that these tips are free doesn’t make them failure.

My Main Approach

When you saw the above numbers you might be wondering how they came about if I’m not being paid directly for my guest posts. The actual numbers signifies the amount I’ve made working with various clients in 2012, all of which I got as a straight result of my guest blogging. 

On other hands, I’m a freelance writer who proficient in helping people get output through my writing. I use guest blogging to make genuine clients to my business and then make money by working for them.

This approach led to me getting 4 high-quality visitors last year without putting up a hire me page. I never even expressed to some of these clients that I’m a writer, but when they read my guest posts and enjoy with it they contacted me to come and work for them. Mind you, I got a lot more than 7 clients. In fact, I got over 15 clients but discarded most of them and only chose to work for the ones that will benefit me most.
You are most probably aware of the fact that almost freelance writers are getting paid peanuts these days. That’s because they have the fake clients and they probably don’t have an alternative. Guest blogging brings me to a lot of clients that's why I got to chance to choose the very best ones. I rejected some quality ones, too, because you can only take on so much work, but I’m telling you this to let you know the potential that exists.

Here are the steps you should take to start making money from guest blogging right now:
1. Start a Blog and nidus on a Topic: You have to start a blog and you need to be seen as an expert. The problem is that most people have the illusion that you have to have been writing online for years to be seen as an expert in any niche. Unfortunately, that is just what it is, an illusion. You can be an expert in two months with the right approach, so in this case all you need to do is start a blog and focus on a topic, my other tips below will help you become an expert relatively quick.
2. Make Your Blog Different by Creating a USP: The problem with blogging is that it is too crowded. There are so many blogs online that readers don’t know which ones to read and bloggers are making that even difficult for them.
The first key to making your blog a magnet for those interested in your services is to create a USP; they have to know your blog is the one for them as soon as they land on it and you need a clear USP to achieve this. A USP is also known as a Unique Selling Proposition and it is the factor that differentiates your blog from that of your competitors. That doesn’t mean you would blog about a different topic, it just means you will blog about the same topic in a unique way and then tailor your blog to a unique audience. For example, instead of just starting a blog of “personal finance”, why not start a blog on “personal finance for students”? That way, when students need tips on personal finance they won’t bother visiting the big personal finance blogs, they will come to yours first. That’s just an example and I’m not necessarily suggesting you tailor your blog to students.
3. Create a Service oriented at Your Audience: Create a service tailored at your audience based on your USP. The service could be high-end or cheap depending on the people you want to attract and your ultimate goal. You should not be afraid to charge what you’re worth. It doesn’t matter if your service is $1,000+ or $20, it is all about what you have to offer. The first thing you should realize, though, is that you can’t attract every client, so don’t bother to. Work on creating a unique service tailored at your audience, choose a price that is worthy of you and get ready to start  making money. Make sure you create a page on your blog advertising this service and how it can help potential clients.
4. Establish Your career Using invitee Blogging: This is the most crucial approach. All the above steps are like preparation to ensure your guest blogging efforts don’t waste but this is the real deal. Once you have followed the above steps you can start guest blogging smartly for other people.




Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Basic Bengali Rules of Hajj

হজ শব্দের আভিধানিক অর্থ ইচ্ছা করা এর পারিভাষিক অর্থ আল্লাহ তাআলাকে সন্তুষ্ট করার উদ্দেশ্যে শরিয়তের নিয়মানুসারে নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে পবিত্র কাবা শরিফ সংশ্লিষ্ট স্থানগুলো জিয়ারত করা ইসলামের পাঁচ স্তম্ভের অন্যতম স্তম্ভ হজ